Mr. John K. Limo, S.H.o.D. Curriculum Implementation and EvaluationWe once again thank God for the exceptional results attained by the Immanuels’ class of 2022 in their K.C.S.E. They raised an overall Means Score of 10.131 which translates to a Mean Grade of B+.
A total of 351 candidates sat the K.C.S.E 2022 examination and 348 managed grades C+ and above. This translated to 99.145% of the candidature securing direct admission to the University through the Kenya Universities and Colleges Central Placement Service (KUCCPS).
The class also registered a great improvement in the number of students who attained grades from 24 students in 2021 to 33 students. The exceptional results of the Immanuel class are because of their hard work, discipline, persistence and great teamwork with the teachers and staff of the school.
We appreciate the school management led by our Chief Principal for her great leadership, constant encouragement and motivation which positively impacted shaping the 2022 candidates both emotionally and academically. The Academic Department believes that education is not only about acquiring knowledge but also about developing critical thinking skills and a thirst for lifelong learning. Our goal is to foster an environment that encourages curiosity, creativity, and intellectual growth and provides opportunities for all our learners to engage in meaningful discussions and collaborative learning experiences.
We recognize that academic success is not only measured by grades but also by the development of skills that will prepare our students for success in a rapidly changing world. Therefore, we strive to provide a comprehensive education that equips our students with the tools they need to mold them all rounded. Mr. John K. Limo, S.H.o.D. Curriculum Implementation and Evaluation