On this occasion of the 16th Prize and thanksgiving Ceremony, we give God all the glory as we congratulate the 2022 Form four class, the Emmanuels for their outstanding performance. God was with you and rewarded your hard work and commitment. Your success was also attributed to the contribution made by the entire staff in the system and all the stakeholders of the School.
Moi High School-Kabarak finance department over time has undergone several changes focused on achieving efficiency in our operations. The changes include the migration of systems from manual to computerized systems which has enabled the department to provide accurate, reliable and timely financial records.
The department operates under a Local Area Network (LAN) which enables authorized users to log in and access the student's school fees statements, fees balances and other financial records in their offices.
Currently, our system is undergoing integration and once this process is completed, our parents/guardians will not need to submit the deposit slips upon the payment of school fees. The school fees will be uploaded online and notification is given to the parents/guardians. Once this is complete the school will notify the parents/guardians on the process of logging to the student’s portal to access and check the school fee balances, the fee structure and the performance report of his/her child.
We in the Finance department are charged with the role of budgeting, planning, procurement and general management of the school funds and other assets. This being a crucial task, it calls for faithfulness, honesty and prudence, which can only be achieved by strong personal integrity backed by the fear of God. In any organization resources is a scarce element and therefore effective control must be exercised at all times. Long live Kabarak.