Mr. Eliud Menjo, Senior H.O.D - BoardingHere at Moi High School – Kabarak, making students feel at home away from home is our agenda. We pride ourselves in having our students live in ultra-modern, fully-equipped state-of-the-government facilities that make them have a very comfortable stay in the school. The department is charged with the responsibility of ensuring that high standards of cleanliness are observed within all the facilities in the school and the compound at large. Through the affiliate departments, dining hall and hospitality, we are able to realize our set goals and objectives.
Discipline, especially self-discipline, is strategic in enabling us to achieve our goals. Our entire boarding team take the lead in facilitating the provision of a well-developed and indicated system of modeling, enforcement of discipline and ensuring that our students are guided to be responsible, make reasonable decisions and learn to coexist with others. Our three Heads of Departments; H.O.D Boys, H.O.D Girls and H.O.D Discipline, all under boarding, are charged with the responsibility to handle our students’ character formation and discipline, and to manage their day-to-day affairs.
These boarding departments work closely with the house teachers on daily basis to monitor cleanliness standards and promote healthy interpersonal relationships among the students at the house level. The team works to ensure the general welfare of the students at all times by holding regular meetings with them.
The role of the prefecture in realizing high standards of cleanliness is much appreciated. The captains and prefects representing their Houses, Dining halls and Tuition block have given their immense contributions thus making the department ride high. Healthy inter-house competitions in various disciplines like Games, Music, Mathematics and Science contests, and other activities have thrived, and this has boosted the spirit of belonging among the house members.
The department works with the teachers on duty and other departments in ensuring the smooth flow of the daily routine at all times. Our support staff plays a key role in the smooth running of our boarding activities. We salute them for a job well done at the dormitories, the dining hall, kitchen, sanatorium, canteen and those in charge of carpentry, plumbing and electricity.
We will maintain focus to ensure our students are comfortable so that they can concentrate on their academic work and achieve quality grades.